2013 Event Schedule for The Maker's Space
Unless otherwise noted, events start at 6:30 at Glen Ellyn Evangelical Covenant Church
Jan. Eucharistones..gratitude stones to give away
Feb. Celtic Glass Painting
Mar. Mosaic Cross beginning for the congregational Lenten mosaic cross
Apr. Ceramic lace bowls and platters for art sale
May Art sale and show/Attic Treasures to benefit Youth Czech Mission Trip
June Writer's Workshop
July Large Canvas Painting
August rescheduled
September Watercolor
Oct. Writer's Workshop "Your Story"
Nov. 18 Drawing Portraits with Eleanor Manning
Dec. 16 Craft night for art sale and show in spring
Jan. 20 Taking the fear out of Poetry
Feb. Writer's workshop with Don Holt former editor of Newsweek
Unless otherwise noted, events start at 6:30 at Glen Ellyn Evangelical Covenant Church
Jan. Eucharistones..gratitude stones to give away
Feb. Celtic Glass Painting
Mar. Mosaic Cross beginning for the congregational Lenten mosaic cross
Apr. Ceramic lace bowls and platters for art sale
May Art sale and show/Attic Treasures to benefit Youth Czech Mission Trip
June Writer's Workshop
July Large Canvas Painting
August rescheduled
September Watercolor
Oct. Writer's Workshop "Your Story"
Nov. 18 Drawing Portraits with Eleanor Manning
Dec. 16 Craft night for art sale and show in spring
Jan. 20 Taking the fear out of Poetry
Feb. Writer's workshop with Don Holt former editor of Newsweek
September's Watercolor Workshop |
Kriste, I found the video story about Michelangelo's David so compelling, especially in light of the Psalm 139:13 verse "You created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb." I needed to be reminded of how God sees me, His own creation, who have both the ability AND the desire to create because I'm made in His image.