
Showing posts from April, 2015

Chalk Artist creates beauty out of cracks

  Here is a guy with talent who is having a good time for  all to enjoy.  ▲   Creation David Zinn David Zinn is an artist from Michigan. He runs around all day  in the streets of Ann Arbor, with street construction, cracks,  etc. on the road with chalk to create a lot of street fairy tales.   David Zinn's most famous creation was undoubtedly a little  monster called Sluggo. Sluggo has a green body and long,  round eyes, it and its partners have also become a small  street in Ann Arbor unique scene.   


A night of learning lettering and different fonts with chiseled markers, continued into a second hour of being led to certain Psalms and portions of Psalms and making the words come alive with expressive lettering.  Lettering and calligraphy, like anything takes practice and patience, yet anyone can do it.  Attendees were given a grid over which practice paper is laid, to practice all the letters using different styles from history.  These pads of paper can be purchased at any art or hobby store, along with special chiseled pens and ink.  We spent the night with special markers to get the feel of holding the pen at a 45 degree angle, and practicing fat strokes and thin strokes.  Our bits of Psalms that "jumped out at us" will be displayed during the worship service of Glen Ellyn Evangelical Church, 277 Hawthorne, Glen Ellyn. IL

Transformation with ART WORSHIP

The women of St. Sabina's Catholic Church and the women of Purpose of Design collaborated on Saturday, April 18th, 2015, to host an event for girls in the neighborhood of 79th and Racine in Chicago.  The event for girls 14-25 yrs., was called Transformation--"Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but the woman who fears the Lord is to be praised."  The event introduced them to the women of St. Sabina's Church and the possibilities of lives transformed. There were several seminars focused on inner and outer beauty, and a session on art worship to develop the skill of listening to God through art, since He is the only one capable of true transformation and "heart" surgery for inner beauty.  The girls focused on a promise of God and created an art piece of doodling while listening and focusing on God.  The tools of doodling, being still enough to listen, and the experience of creating something with the Creator of the Universe is something that they can