
Showing posts from 2016

December Meeting of The Maker's Space-Mosaic

Our teacher Susan, described a mosaic bowl that was ordered and not so interesting.  She then broke the beautiful stones lose, to be used somewhere in a free, beautiful pattern.  Our only instructions were not to think, but to make a road of broken pieces.  This was the result: YouTube Our projects will be added to/and or grouted in our February Meeting where we will continue the art of Mosaic.  If you were unable to come, but would still like to try this, you are welcome to bring in your broken plates and make a beautiful piece of art. Coming in 2017: January    Narrative Writing February  Mosaic March      Fabric Art April        Drama May         Making Paper


We are excited to announce an event happening this Christmas Season in Wheaton.    A committee of local residents along with the Jonahre foundation will be hosting a Christmas Art Walk with  12 stores hosting 12 pieces of commissioned fine art telling the Biblical story of Christmas.  The 12 pieces of art are selected from submissions and commissioned for the town of Wheaton from 12 different artists completing work in different mediums and genres of art.      These will be displayed in 12 different businesses in Wheaton during regular business hours.    A map of the art walk will be provided to encourage the community to view each of the individual pieces which tells the complete Christmas Story.    This will run for the 12 days before Christmas. Don't miss the LIVE NATIVITY being held on Saturday, December 17 in the garden center of Carlson's Art Store on Front St. in Wheaton.  There will be a 20 minute play every 30 minutes from 11-2pm along with live animals. Al

December 19 Meeting of The Maker's Space--MOSAIC

Don't miss our December meeting of The Maker's Space.  Come, take some time out for yourself in this busy, hectic season.  Come slow down, and listen to who you were created to be. We will be exploring the art of Mosaic.  No experience necessary.  All materials are included. You may bring broken pottery or broken pieces that you would like to incorporate into your work. Our meeting space is GLEN ELLYN COVENANT CHURCH                                    277 HAWTHORNE AVE. GLEN ELLYN                                    7-9PM

November Meeting of The Maker Space--Collage

Metaphor is something that is used to change up our thinking in the usual way.  In trying to live a more creative life, we need to slow down our thought process to make different choices that may be more risky to our usual response, but will be a new thing that we have never done before.  Jesus said in Matt. 5:14, "You are the light of the world.   A town built on a hill cannot be hidden."  The participants meditated on what their city looked like and listened for a color for their city and words that jumped out at them.  The results were beautiful and surprised them at what they heard.  Their art was taken home and will still speak to them as they continue to look at their art.  What would your city look like?  Is it in the country, the city?  What do the walls and gates look like?  We all have walls, some good some bad.  Walls are definition of where we begin and end.  Walls keep the bad and distractions out.  We can hide behind walls or we can feel protected by them.  What

November meeting...the ART of COLLAGE

These are pieces that a group of recovering addicts did at a session of listening art.  They were amazed that God had something to say to them. Come to our next session of The Maker's Space and see what God might say to you.  Come slow down and play and make something beautiful.  No experience necessary! Monday, November 28, 2016,7-9pm Glen Ellyn Covenant Church 277 Hawthorne Ave. Glen Ellyn, IL

October 2016 meeting of The Maker's Space

The October meeting of The Maker’s Space focused on Orientation of the O-O-D-A-loop concept for changing behavior and intentionally living a more creative life.   Last month, we talked about Observation outwardly of God’s creation, and inwardly, our heart rooms and the doors to our hearts.   This month we talked about orientating ourselves to the situation that we find ourselves.   On a deeper level, to Whom to we belong? Psalm 139:13-14   Eph. 2:10 You belong.   To whom? We all ask that question.   " Loneliness is one of the most universal human experiences and is among the worst of human sufferings." [ Henry Nowen] Most of us know that feeling of being alone, isolated.   It’s not the same as choosing to be alone once in a while, or being independent at times.   It’s the feeling that now one is near, that no one remembers, that no one cares for my soul. Ps. 142:4 that there is no one to live for.   It’s a feeling of deep isolation, of not belonging to anyone.   “To who

Definitions from the books Creative Live and A Space for God---from sessions of The Maker's Space

Definitions Leisure is not the inevitable result of spare time, a holiday, a weekend or a vacation.   It is, in the first place, an attitude of mind, a condition of the soul.   Leisure implies an attitude of nonactivity, of inward calm, of silence, it means not being “busy,” but letting things happen.   Leisure is a form of silence, of that silence which is the prerequisite of the apprehension of reality:   only the silent hear and those who do not remain silent do not hear.   Silence is the soul’s power to answer to the reality of the world undisturbed.   For leisure is a receptive attitude of mind, a contemplative attitude, and it is not only the occasion but also the capacity for steeping oneself in the whole of creation.   Leisure is not the attitude of mind of those who actively intervene, but of those who are open to everything: not of those who grab and grab hold, but of those who leave the reins loose and who are free and easy themselves—almost like someone falling asleep

September 26, 2016 Evening Review of The Maker's Space

PENCIL DRAWING Our intention is to slow down, using art as a tool, to rediscover our creative self.  We were all created to be creative.  Sometimes it gets lost in the demands and busyness of our world.  By making time in your schedules, you are slowing down and intentionally trying to find a more joyful way to go through life....creatively. In order to make any change in behavior, you need to slow down your reaction so that you can become intentional in your thought-life and consequent actions.  One way we discussed is a system known as OODA-LOOP...OBSERVE, ORIENTATE, DECIDE, ACT, repeat.....or loop it around. On 9/26, we started with OBSERVATION.  Observe your situation.  Observe your surroundings.  Observe your outer self.  Observe your inner self. We are using the books A Space for God by Don Postema and the Creative Live by Alice Bass. Both can be found on Amazon and are intended for self-study.  We are using some of the material for group exercises in order to slow d
Coming up in September!! The Maker's Space             "LIVE CREATIVELY, FRIENDS!”    Galations 6:1 MSG How long do we plow through our pain and ignore our own self-care? Do the daily stresses of work have you feeling that life is blah and unexciting? How do I feel that joy of living? Do any human beings ever realize life while they live it-every, every, minute?    [Taken from the play Our Town]  How can we slow down enough to pay attention to what’s around us and inside of us? “To live deeply is a special challenge, for it is so easy to be superficial.  We are so busy.  Leisure is not the inevitable result of spare times, a weekend, or vacation.  It is, in the first place, an attitude of mind, a condition of the soul.   Such an attitude pits us against compulsive busyness and against drivenness.  It can mean, making a space for God.  It is prayer.”    – Taken from Space for God, The Study and Practice of Prayer and Spirituality by Don Postema The Maker's Space
We are excited to announce an event happening this Christmas Season in Wheaton.   A committee of Wheaton residents along with the Jonahre foundation will be hosting a Christmas Art Walk with 12 stores hosting 12 pieces of commissioned fine art telling the Biblical story of Christmas.  The 12 pieces of art are selected from submissions and commissioned for the town of Wheaton from 12 different artists completing work in different mediums and genres of art.     These will be displayed in 12 different businesses in Wheaton during regular business hours.   A map of the art walk will be provided to encourage the community to view each of the individual pieces which tells the complete Christmas Story.   This will run for the 12 days before Christmas. The Jonahre Foundation’s mission, a non-for-profit organization, is to bring Truth to reality through the biblical storytelling through art. Having presented this art walk model in the community of Barrington in 2015, Wheaton has been

Pour Painting June 2016

Art makes the invisible visible.  Art allows us to play, slow down and enjoy making something new and creative.  That is what happened during our June meeting of The Maker's Space Community Art Group where we mixed Liquitex pouring medium with acrylic paint.  After applying the paint, we tilted the canvas watch the colors flow around each other.  Adding color, we continued on individual canvases.  We then did a collaborative piece to hang in an office of one of our members.  Our inspiration was Isaiah of the new Jerusalem of flowing living water against the foundation embedded with precious stones.  After applying paint, we took turns deciding which way to tilt the canvas and for how long to let it go.  When we were satisfied, more paint was applied in rings and lines until we were satisfied with the results.  For more pictures of the individual canvases, go to www.Facebook/2013TMS