
Showing posts from November, 2016

November Meeting of The Maker Space--Collage

Metaphor is something that is used to change up our thinking in the usual way.  In trying to live a more creative life, we need to slow down our thought process to make different choices that may be more risky to our usual response, but will be a new thing that we have never done before.  Jesus said in Matt. 5:14, "You are the light of the world.   A town built on a hill cannot be hidden."  The participants meditated on what their city looked like and listened for a color for their city and words that jumped out at them.  The results were beautiful and surprised them at what they heard.  Their art was taken home and will still speak to them as they continue to look at their art.  What would your city look like?  Is it in the country, the city?  What do the walls and gates look like?  We all have walls, some good some bad.  Walls are definition of where we begin and end.  Walls keep the bad and distractions out.  We can hide behind walls or we can feel protected by them.  What

November meeting...the ART of COLLAGE

These are pieces that a group of recovering addicts did at a session of listening art.  They were amazed that God had something to say to them. Come to our next session of The Maker's Space and see what God might say to you.  Come slow down and play and make something beautiful.  No experience necessary! Monday, November 28, 2016,7-9pm Glen Ellyn Covenant Church 277 Hawthorne Ave. Glen Ellyn, IL