The Art of Bas- Featured artist from South Wales

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The Artist
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BAS is one of the worlds most highly acclaimed wildlife and nature artists. The Art of BAS receives worldwide recognition from museums, Royalty, Governments, galleries, critics and collectors of fine art.An innate sense of design and composition, emphasizing light and colour, is utilised to create a fine art original BAS oil painting. Inspiration is gained through extensive adventures in wilderness areas around the globe, the artist then captures the wonder and beauty of creation on canvas . BAS' paintings are included in three books entitled "Best of Wildlife Art", published in the USA.

The Art of BAS has been privileged to benefit Charitable Foundations and BAS hopes that his fine art can be used to further promote environmental concerns. It is the artists' pleasure to share his unique vision with others through The Art of BAS.

His style of contemporary realism combines the truth of nature with his own personal vision as it accentuates colour, light and abstract form. BAS strives to be an originator rather than an imitator - to say something new to the observer - Wildlife Art Magazine, USA.

The Artist's Vision
I try to keep strictly to my own vision. I am guided by light, I push light, colour and abstract form - BAS.

A given sense of fine art design and composition, coupled with a harmonious balance of light, colour and technique are combined in a BAS original oil painting. As a creative process art relies on inspiration as its source. Art is a personal experience that emanates from inspiration and transpires in application, and as such it is a good analogy for life. The artist must be inspired to apply, as without the former the latter lacks the ability to reach a shared experience and remains only an appreciation of its own application. It is the artist's privilege to reveal his inspiration, to create something to be shared from what is very personal.

"I am grateful for such inspiration, this in-breathing of life, and for the God given talent that is my responsibility to nurture. I regard talent as a gift, knowing that art has not been a learned ability for me, it is within my nature to be an artist.

Therefore, I rely on this inspiration and talent, combine them with dedication and application, and find that I am able to create paintings in an original and meaningful way. Without these components the artwork would lack purpose, would have little vibrancy, and would be without the essence of life itself."
 - BAS.
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"An artist's working life is marked by intensive application and intense discipline" - John F. Kennedy.

"Colour has taken hold of me; no longer do I have to chase after it. I know that it has hold of me for ever. That is the significance of this blessed moment. Colour and I are one. I am a painter"- Paul Klee.

Inspiration is gained from the natural world, fired by BAS' artistic vision, Gestault perception (a natural ability to analyse shapes, see shapes within shapes and distil their significance), and mastery of paint, to create an original artwork.

"You have a true natural eye for design and composition, put it to good use, it's a rare talent" - John Seerey-Lester.

BAS has an ability to see in an instant the composition within a scene and the integral abstract forms that relate to one another, giving a powerful and cohesive design. "A unique sense of finding designs" - Lee Cable.

"Good abstract and consciousness of light; very fresh, combines realism, design and decor; exciting, strong, very impressive."- Robert Bateman.

Often design is worked within design, the finer details bearing witness to the greater whole of the painting. "On his canvases he exploits detail to a very exceptional degree; a work that reminds us of an American modernist: Andrew Wyeth" - Agus Dermawan, 'Gatra',Indonesia.
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"Viewers, rightly, feel privileged to have seen the creative process, appreciating the perception of BAS, his eye for design and his flair for composition. This results in his work being more appreciated for its artistic approach but also benefits us all by helping people find new ways of seeing both in art generally and in the beauty of nature which is so much the inspiration of BAS and which deserves the protection of us all" - Simon Trapnell, Director, "Nature in Art", The International Centre for Wildlife Art, England.

"We both feel that BAS is carrying a special gift of vision that is very personal. So much of others composition comes through as highly formalised - not his. It is wonderful when an artist can show people a new way to see." - Jack Hines and Jessica Zemsky, Beartooth Art Institute, USA.

"His compositions are so strong and he takes full advantage of the opportunity that paint gives to emphasise the effects of light. The results are paintings which for all their realism have an abstract quality, an achievement that puts BAS on a different course from the hyper-realists, and which is the key to his success in the wider contemporary art field." - Nicholas Hammond, Wildlife Art News, USA.
BAS' unique perception receives wide-ranging acclamation from fellow artists, art collectors, art critics, collectors, galleries and museums alike. His paintings are exhibited world-wide: Paris, with the French Hyper-realist genre of painters in the historical heart of the lively Parisian art scene; London, alongside works of Rembrandt in Bond Street, selected for exhibition by Sir Hugh Casson, President of the Royal Academy; and throughout the USA in galleries and major exhibitions.

BAS has also held a prestigious exhibition of his paintings in Indonesia, and his art is displayed in the National Art Museum of Indonesia. The combination of realism and abstract in his paintings placed BAS' art at the fore of the book entitled 'Best of Wildlife Art', published in the USA. His paintings are also included in the Second Edition of 'Best of Wildlife Art', and a further publication entitled 'Wildlife Art', published in the USA.

Fire and light, both creative forces, are pure in essence. BAS views fire as symbolic to the creation of form and design, light accentuates the form and design within the natural world and on canvas. "Light and forms are used with devastating effect, giving an almost holographic quality to his work." - London Impressions.

"I can only find one word to describe BAS' paintings - Great! Beautiful work, he really paints the light" - Carl Brenders.

Purity of colour further enhances the unique creative instinct of the artist. That which pertains to an inspired reality has become an original work of art, bearing the hallmark of fire and light; Empyreal.
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wildlife artists,wildlife art,bas,art of BAS,oil painting,wildlife artist,bas,wildlife,canvas prints,art,Picasso,Pablo Picasso,Gaugin,art prints,BAS,BAZ,nature paintings,John F Kennedy,Klee,robert bateman,wildlife paintings,big cats,elephants,tigers,carl brenders,dolphins
"Art is either a plagiarist or a revolutionist." - Gaugin.

"If you look at an originator, you find that they offer an incredible amount of variety and surprise. The imitator doesn't, he is always following. he may be a craftsman but he's not an artist, because he doesn't have anything original to say." - Robert Bateman.

"I have made it my aim not to conform to any particular method of painting or any passing fashion, so as to realise what can best be achieved by my own personal vision. Being a non-conformist in this sense means anything but being rebellious, the strongest statement is one that is pure and true, and has good intention.

It may be a simple statement but that in no way diminishes its power. It may be gentle in demeanour but that can be the cover of great strength. It may be ordinary but it is something, and there can always be discovered the extraordinary in something."
 - BAS.

"Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up."- Pablo Picasso.
To be motivated by what is noble will hopefully secure the outcome of one's actions. The created world in its magnitude and diversity holds such nobility that is worthy of respect and honour. Nature is true to itself, it has been set out and designed, is governed by laws, it has a purposeful reason of its own and its existence is justified. We do well to consider the lilly, to look to the hills and the birds of the air, the way of the sea and the form of the land. In so doing we are ourselves more informed and can understand more clearly our place in the overall design of creation.

"To any artist worthy of the name, all in nature is beautiful, because his eyes, fearlessly accepting all exterior truth, read there, as in an open book, all the inner truth." - Auguste Rodin

It is hoped that BAS' paintings contribute to the viewer's appreciation of creation's wonders, edifying the observer with a realization of our position of privilege and responsibility in this realm of life. BAS considers it an honour to be able to express his vision in such a unique and personal way, this is his pleasure shared.
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wildlife artists,wildlife art,BAS,art of BAS,oil painting,Wales,sketching

BAS sketching in one of his favourite locations, his home area of Rest Bay in South Wales.


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