First Video session released October 27

 Supplies:  a couple of magazines, watered white glue, brush, canvas panel or cardboard board, the book, "Culture Care" by Makoto Fujimura. Read Chapters 1 and 2!

The video link will be posted here on Oct. 27 and on YouTube of The Maker's Space Channel.

Upcoming sessions:

November --Pen and INK    Read Chapters 3,4,5 and 6

January---    Acrylic Painting, "Starry Night"  Read Chapters 7,8,9

February-----Abstract Watercolor        Read Chapter 10

March--------Charcoal on paper           Read Chapter 11,12

April---------Art Journals                     Read Chapters 13-18

Send in your comments and what you learned and photos of your art to

Art will be posted here in this website.


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