Art Workshop with Purpose by Design Retreat-July 2022

July 2022

Once again, Purpose By Design held their summer retreat for teenage girls from Fox Valley Christian Action/FVCA and St. Sabina's Church all from the greater Chicagoland area.  Our topic was Emotions, with speakers on Domestic Violence and abuse.  In between speakers, there was time for Financial Literacy encouragements from our partner Foolproof Financial Literacy program, budgeting and shopping at the Purpose By Design Store, swimming, making healthy snacks, free time to relax and debrief the sessions, and of course the art worship workshop by The Maker's Space.

The art was driven by Neurographica, a process of connecting the subconscious emotions with the paper and line. There are always some whose emotions are so raw that the first step of the directions is all that they can do.  The rounding of intersections of the lines of emotions is the initial goal of the artist, so that the emotion is smoothed out to a place of peace and calm.  Later, the lines are connected in swaths of color that indicate other lines of vibrations that connect our emotions to society and then to the universe in order to help us handle them and feel peace and calm.  The circles that sometimes appear to be there with our encouragement represent harmony, divinity and peace, getting us to a place of direction to where the Creator of the Universe wants us to grow and move toward.  Each young lady was encouraged to speak about her art, and how her emotions changed from the beginning to the end.  The process was important and hopefully a tool was learned that the girls can take back home with them and use to calm emotions and perhaps teach someone else in their family how art can slow us down to grow, change and transform to a forward destination on our journeys.  For more detailed instructions on this art form, visit the blog entry under the series entitled "Questions? Session #5" and try it yourself!  Supplies are simply pen and paper for another great art adventure!

The girls' artwork!!



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