Coming up in September!!

The Maker's Space            


How long do we plow through our pain and ignore our own self-care?
Do the daily stresses of work have you feeling that life is blah and unexciting?
How do I feel that joy of living?
Do any human beings ever realize life while they live it-every, every, minute?   [Taken from the play Our Town] 

How can we slow down enough to pay attention to what’s around us and inside of us?

“To live deeply is a special challenge, for it is so easy to be superficial.  We are so busy.  Leisure is not the inevitable result of spare times, a weekend, or vacation.  It is, in the first place, an attitude of mind, a condition of the soul.   Such an attitude pits us against compulsive busyness and against drivenness.  It can mean, making a space for God.  It is prayer.”   – Taken from Space for God, The Study and Practice of Prayer and Spirituality by Don Postema

The Maker's Space is a safe place where we explore how God can turn experiences or talents or little passions into acts of worship which then, in turn, encourages one other.  That’s living creatively for the edification of the Body.  It is a place where we notice what God is awakening in us, so we can stop living life on automatic pilot and hear from Him new thoughts that lead to new expressions.  This is open to everyone, not just the “artist” types!  Come see that you were created to be creative!

In the next months of The Maker's Space, we will be encouraging the following books for self-study as well as group exercises using different mediums of the arts.  All of them can be found on

  • Space for God – the study and practice of prayer and spirituality by Don Postema
  • The Creative Life – A workbook for Unearthing the Christian Imagination by Alice Bass  [God has created us to be creative people, not just the self-described “artists” among us.]
  • Hidden Art by Edith Schaeffer   [An older book written by the wife of Francis Schaeffer, defining hidden art as the art found in the ordinary areas of everyday life.  Each person has some talent which is unfulfilled in some hidden area of his being  a talent which could be expressed and developed and used to glorify God.]
Do you feel stuck in a rut?  Would you like to know more about yourself and how God created you?  Using scripture and listening prayer and art, God has a lot to say to each of us.   Come join us as we slow down, pay attention and act with intention to unplug from the online world and engage in all that He has for you!  7-9pm @ Glen Ellyn Covenant Church, 277 Hawthorne

          Monday, September 26 
 Drawing with Pencil
          Monday, October 24  Clay vessels
          Monday, November 28  Collage
          Monday, December 19 – Mosaic


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