Be Like A Tree

A good tree will naturally and automatically produce good fruit. That is how Jesus described his disciples in the Sermon on the Mount. We are like healthy, thriving trees and the life of God within us is manifested in the love, joy, peace, kindness, and mercy we produce. The key to this kind of life, Jesus said, is learning to abide deeply in communion with him the way a branch abides in a vine or a tree is rooted in good soil. Our focus should not be the fruit on our branches but the depth of our roots. As we live deeply with Jesus the fruit will take care of itself.”  Skye Jethani
The Maker’s Space is an open community welcome to all, which uses art to slow down and learn about ourselves through God’s eyes.  This year, our theme will be trees and discovering what the roots absorb determines our fruit.  What do you want your fruit to look like?
We meet on the 4th Monday evening of every month, {except Dec.}, 7-9pm in Munson Hall @277 Hawthorn St., Glen Ellyn,IL.[G.E.Covenant Church.]  Feel free to bring neighbors and friends.  It is a safe place to slow your pace and feed your soul. Supplies provided.
Oct.   22   Tree Collage-Tissue paper trees
Nov.  26   Tree Pencil drawing
Dec.  10   Tree Wreaths {due to the Holidays, we meet earlier this month.  You may bring dried fruit from trees, like pinecones or nuts to make wreaths.}
For more information and inspiration writings, go to


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