Continued pencil drawings---figures. Send in your drawings! Take a look!

In light of the fact that we should have been meeting in April, we hope all of you are well!  We miss seeing you and getting together to do art in order to slow down and hear some things about ourselves.  We hope that you find that this is not wasted time, but found time for reflection and growth.

In keeping with our drawing theme from last month, we thought we would challenge you to try some figures.  There are some great folds in these black and white photos to try.  Shading is everything!  Those of you that sent in some of the faces that you attempted were wonderful!! Check them out at the previous post of pencil drawing. In the mean time, grab a piece of paper and pencil, get cozy, and try your hand at the shepherds and flutes from Palestine, below, [circa 1930.] As always, follow the blog and Instagram@themakersspace  
Send in your attempts to
Just draw what you see!  Happy sketching!


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