Abstract Painting with Khrystyna Kozyuk

Spending an evening with Khrystyna Kozyuk was inspiring.  She delightfully demonstrated her current tecnique of layering paint and moving it around with ordinary home improvement tools.  She had the perfect hand that blended the three primary colors of our limited palette, but not too much where they became muddy.  She continued to work on her demonstration painting throughout the evening as we attempted to play with paint as she did.  We watched as our paintings as well as hers continued to change and change and change as the evening progressed.  We could clearly see her mastery of color, as well as her background of the art fundamentals, which gave her a launching pad for abandoning the rules and being free in her design.  It was apparent that in order to be an abstract painter, you helps to have a background in the conventional color rules and design principals on which you can then fly free.  We had a wonderful evening of playing and experimenting on our own, not caring about the mess we might make.  I heard several comments of participants who are inspired to "try this at home."
 visit www.KOZYUKGALLERY.COM and visit her Facebook page for upcoming events.
You can follow The Maker's Space on Instagram @2013themakersspace and Facebook.com/TMS


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